
Monday, 29 September 2014

Powered by the Movement

We are striving to find new ideas to bring into this cycling revolution. We want cycling to be as popular as X-factor on a saturday night (or is it Strictly), anyway, if you have been keeping up with our blog or follow us on twitter you will know that we are based in Bristol. We love Bristol, so do the people we have interviewed, but as all Bristonian cyclists will know it is almost impossible to avoid a steep climb somewhere on your journey. THE HILLS ARE EVERYWHERE!

So we have been putting our heads together and have been doing some research. How do we make Bristol hills seem less daunting to cyclists? If we want to build a cycling revolution in our cities how can we make it more attractive to the masses? Everyone enjoys a bit of fresh air down their lungs but some of these hills we think Mark Cavendish would struggle to pedal up.

So without further-ado (or just general rambling) we give you 'Powered by Movement'.

'Powered by Movement' is part of our 'Dream City' innovative intervention. It harness kinetic energy from cars and cyclists going down hills and using technology similar to that of Pavegens converts that energy into electrical energy. This electrical energy then powers a bike lift where cyclists wanting to go up the hill attach themselves by a foot too the system which then pulls them and their bike up to the top. Simple and Sustainable. Check out our poster for the concept.

 'Hills, What Hills?'

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